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Farmers 1, Chipotle 0

The popular fast food mexican food chain, Chipotle, is under investigation for making false claims in their newest advertisement. This news was first reported by the Huffington Post. In their newest marketing technique, called " The Scarecrow" they have accused other fast food chains of using growth hormones in their animal feed, to produce more meat faster. Chipotle representitives have said that "We were not specificallly targeting any certain fast food chains. We were simply trying so show the benefits of eating our organically raised food, than some of the things are competitiors"

If you have never seen the Scarecrow, I highly recommend watching. There is several small hints that the company made, trying to show people on how "every other company" treats and raises their animals. I personally do not understand the importance of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in our everyday life. There has been no proven evidence of the disadvantages of eating GMOs or not. If farmers have the ability to increase production, without harming people why would you not be okay with that? Anti GMO people truly do not understand what farmers must go through to get everyone in the USA-no in the world-fed. If you believe you can get six billion people fed on an all natural, organic ways please share it with us.

Until then farmers, keep fighting for GMOs. I feel sorry for everyone that does not understand the late hours, and endless work you must endure to keep everyone full and satsified. Put this one in the win column guys, you deserve it.

Thank you for reading! please share!

Ross from PLT

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