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life, the best ride of 'em all.

First off i would like to apologize for not posting recenntly, I have been busy recently which I will be explaining in a minute.

Let me just first start off by saying life, almost never works out as we planned. Think back to kindergarten or first grade and the teacher asked you what you wanted to be, Do you think any kid ever said accountant? Janitor? Wal-Mart cashier? No. Every kid wanted to be a doctor or a professional athlete, but sadly, that rarely happens. For those select few that it does happen good for you! However, other people find what they like in life and that is amazing. Not that they found what they wanna do, but they went from wanting to be the number one overall pick in the draft, to being a bank teller.

Now lets take that, and put it on a much smaller scale and begin this crazy couple of days. It all started on Tuesday, where myself and probably every other kid in the FFA was getting ready for the parlimentary Procedure (parli pro) contest on Wednesday.For those of you that don't know, parli pro is how to run an agricultural business meeting. After school the team went to our Ag classroom to begin practice. Since the contest was tomorrow we basically went over the written test and possible questions the judges could ask you. We had a very good practice and we had very little doubt about advancing to districts. After practice I had a basketball game, thus making it my second ever student-athlete-greenhand cycle. I went home and had a pretty busy night with 2 quizzes tomorrow and I wanted to look over all of my motions. I went to bed late that night feeling great about everything from the test to the conest.

I woke up, backed my official dress and went to school. Once I passed all my quizzes we hit the road and began the travel to the contest. The closer we got to the contest the more of us got butterflies. We were a pretty young team, having three greenahnds, including myself, who has never been in a FFA contest. We walked in and began some last minute prep, then it was show time.

Let me just set the stage for you. We all walk in, go to the stage, then look at our note card. The motion you have to make is highlighted on the card. The problem was one of my teammates' card had their highlighted motion scribbled out, so she did the wrong motion and no one else did the motion she was suppose to do so we had a 100 point deduction and we did not advance. A team that was favorited among district competition, did not make it out of the first round. All because the judges did not give us clean cards so we all knew our motion.Hey that's life. It's a crazy ride. unpredictable. never know what is gonna happen next. That is why life is the best ride of 'em all.

Thanks for reading! please share!

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