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Make a difference or money?

Hello everyone! Let us pick up this story a couple of weeks ago, when we had to sign up for our classes next year. At our school incoming juniors, if your grades are good enough, you can begin to take college courses. It made me begin to think, college. In two years I won't be a small town farmer's child. I will be a college student, up til 2 A.M. writing a paper with four empty coffee cups next to me. It also made me realize that I know I want to go into agriculture obviously, but what? Do I grow up and become a hot-shot, suit and tie Agbusiness man, or do I become the small town, I grew up here ag teacher? The reason I chose these professions is because its what I grew up with. My dad is the truest definition of a farmer, and he also sells seed. On a bigger scale, a family friend of ours use to work at Anheuser-Busch, where he bought all the grain for the beverages. I was fascaniated by the hussle he had to have when he was working on the market, so that is where I got that career option from. My other option, Ag Education, comes from the FFA and my own Ag teacher, Ms. Conner. Her class never feels like work. It feels like a class where we have nothing but fun. If I beome an ag teacher, my goal is to have a class just like hers. Before I took my Intro to Agriculture class, it was always in the back of my mind to become a teacher, I just never knew what. Now joining that class, it made me realize that agriculture was my only option for teaching. Another reason for me to join teaching is my love for the FFA. I remember my first National Convention, and I never wanted to leave. It was like an ag kid's dream, so many vendors, job fairs, etc. and other kids that are stuck in the same hole as you. If I become an ag teacher, I will make sure my kids get to go there.

It ultimately comes down to one cohice. Do I make a difference or money? Do I take the easy long highway where everything is planned out for me, or do I go with the meaningful, pothole road? So many decisions to make, so little time. The career choices are extremely hard, but it helps a lt to have so may supportive people behind me. Two years. Two options. one extremely hard choice. Only time will tell my ultimate decision.

Thanks for reading! please share!

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